Where To Find The Socials

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Your State Could Be Here - Contact Jeff Jeff@flyinghamburgersocial.com to request to host a social in your state or call him at 715-613-6019. (His Voice Mail is Mr. Spock from Star Trek).
Here you will find links to the various Flying Hamburger Socials. Each Branch of the Social has a specific night that it will host that branch's social.

How a social works best:
1. An airport agrees to host a social
2. The host airport or group hosting the social, contacts their local pilots and the neighboring airports to encourage the pilots and other airports to participate. A host airport typically hosts once perhaps twice a season. After hosting, the pilots or groups who just hosted have the opportunity to support the other neighboring airports by having fun flying to the neighboring airport's social.
3. It also helps to have your local pilots sign up for the email or Facebook pages to be notified when the Flying Hamburger Social is.

Socials are held every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5 PM until 7 PM. Or Until The Food Runs Out!

The Flying Hamburger Social in the Midwest (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa, Michigan) goes from the beginning of June until the end of August. Other parts of the country may host the social in a different time of the year depending on when the best flight conditions are for that area.

Host A Social - Learn how to become part of the Flying Hamburger Social here.

Marketing - How do we advertise this event.

Images of Past Events

Special Dates - Some socials have special dates outside of their normal day. This is due to a number of reasons. 1. There may be no other socials scheduled in that branch. 2. There is a special event going on that day that we would certainly take into consideration for the change.

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